A website refers to a compilation of Web pages that can be typically accessed through a software package, commonly known as  a Web browser (one example is the HTTP on the Internet). These pages, which are essentially documents that are in the HTML or XHTML format (HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language), are accessed from a 'common root URL' - or the website's homepage (as most people know it). From this homepage, the visitor/Internet user can browse or look through the entire website either with the use of the hyperlinks or the URLs of the different web pages.

Viewed on computers and other devices that are capable of connecting with the Internet (such as PDAs and cellular phones), websites can be grouped into numerous types, depending on their use or the services that they offer. Some of them include the following:

· Archive site - maintains and protects electronic contents that are valuable to the point of extinction.

· Business site - promotes a business or a service.

· Commerce or eCommerce site - offers goods for sale.

· Community site - allows people with related and similar interests to communicate with each other (either through chat or message boards).

· Database site - searches and displays a particular database's content.

· Development site - provides data and sources that are related to software development and web design, among others.

· Directory site - contains wide-ranging contents that are usually divided into categories and subcategories.

· Download site - allows users to download electronic contents, such as game demos and software.

· Game site - provides a 'playground' where people meet and play.

· Information site - contains data or content that have the sole purpose of informing visitors (not for commercial purposes).

· News site - dispenses or distributes news and commentaries (similar to an information site).

· Pornography site - shows pornographic videos and images.

· Search engine site - provides general information and serves as a 'gateway' for other sites and resources (can also be a web portal site).

· Shock site - shows images and other materials that aim to offend viewers.

· Vanity site - a personal site that is run or maintained by an individual or a small group, the contents of which can be of any information that the site owner wishes to include.

· Blog site or blogs - registers online readings and posts online diaries or discussion forums.

· Wiki site - allows users to collaboratively edit the contents.

Yahoo! is perhaps the most famous example of a very large website. The most popular and widely-used website, Yahoo! is a mixture of the different types of sites - it is a directory site and a search engine site, among others.

Because of the enormous (and diverse) amount of information that it contains, the Yahoo! site map is an extremely useful feature in the Yahoo! website. 

A site map is a web page that lists the entire pages on a web site. Organized in a hierarchical fashion, site maps can be in textual or visual form (a diagram or an image).

The Yahoo! site map serves as a blueprint for the Yahoo! website. Similar to a book's Table of Contents, the Yahoo! sitemap makes it easier for visitors or users to find specific information or pages on the Yahoo! web site without having to browse many pages, because the site map gives an overview or a visual outline of the Yahoo! web site, with each location provided with active links to enable the user to directly move to a specific location.

In addition, the Yahoo! site map allows web developers to put out links from across their sites, making it easier for search engine robots (or engine spiders) to find these pages. 

Because the Yahoo! site map improves the search engine optimization of a site, this feature can be considered a valuable tool for online marketers, whose aim is to stimulate and direct traffic to their web sites.

Note, however, that the Yahoo! site map can only give you the 'basics'. Because it is important for web marketers to 'rank high' on main search engines, an effective web marketing strategy that promotes your web site is also very much needed. Listed below are some search engine strategies to consider:

1. Write a descriptive page title at the top of your webpage that avoids 'filler' words like "the" or "and".

2. Incorporate descriptive keywords on your home page, along with your business name. This is  called "keyword prominence".

3. Include a Description Meta Tag at the top of the web page. This refers to the sentences (1 or 2 lines, with a maximum of around 255 characters) that describe the content of your web page.

These are just some of the many techniques that you can employ to get more users to visit your website. The important thing is to focus on keywords - and let Yahoo! site map do the rest.

It's a great pleasure and honor studying, working as well as teaching at some of the prestigious California community colleges. I moved in 1977 across from back east of the country with two suitcases and 300 dollars, to take advantage of the educational system in California in general and of California community colleges—for starters—in particular. Besides being unbelievably affordable at that time it was also extremely reputable as fine preparatory, or transitional, institut...

California community colleges,College of Marin,vocational courses,Bay Area

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It's a great pleasure and honor studying, working as well as teaching at some of the prestigious California community colleges. I moved in 1977 across from back east of the country with two suitcases and 300 dollars, to take advantage of the educational system in California in general and of California community colleges—for starters—in particular. Besides being unbelievably affordable at that time it was also extremely reputable as fine preparatory, or transitional, institutions of higher education.During my first semester at College of Marin, for instance, besides buying my texts, I paid only $3.00 for the whole semester. That was for the Health Fee.

California community colleges are not quite so low-priced—though they are still affordable—in recent times, but they are still brilliant first- and second-year colleges and trade/occupational training sites. Those graduating either from the neighboring high schools or returning to college after years away attend courses and programs in almost all of the major disciplines and/or take up vocational courses for example those in the Automotive Mechanics or Cosmetology divisions at almost all of the 72 regions’ California community colleges.

As the Chancellor of the California community colleges reveals in the mission statement (at http://www.cccco.edu/faq_cccco.htm#mission), basic aims of all of the California community colleges are to offer “essential and important functions” such as basic skills instruction, English as a second language (ESL, or, English for speakers of other languages, ESOL) education and practice, adult non-credit instruction, and student and community support services.

While funding is the contingency (and often the bane), some California community colleges engage in outreach, research, and other related projects and programs. They often present a small degree of health services, offer social and academic guidance and support (for honors charters, for instance) and extracurricular access (as, for example, student associations and clubs as well as sports teams).

Despite the fact that I taught and worked at and am thus partial to select California community colleges in the Bay Area (in Northern California), they are some of the best kept secrets all over the state. Below is the list with individual colleges where you can find additional information online by either typing in the name of the college and dot net, or dot cc dot ca, or dot edu:

American River College, Sacramento
Butte College, Oroville
College of San Mateo, San Mateo
Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill
East Los Angeles College, Monterey Park
Feather River College, Quincy
Grossmont College, El Cajon
Hartmon College, Salinas
Imperial Valley College, Imperial Valley
Laney College, Oakland
College of Marin, Kentfield
Ohlone College, Fremont
Palomar College, San Marcos
College of the Redwoods, Eureka
Skyline College, San Bruno
Taft College, Taft
Ventura College, Ventura
West Hills College, Coalinga
Yuba College, Marysville

The length of time of repayment for the average car loan has now reached six years. By spreading payments over such a long period of time, the buyer may turn out to be "upside down", and that can be a painful experience.

Defective automobile, vehicle defect. Lemon law, auto warranty, auto lemon, arbitration, car insurance

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It's expensive buying a car and it only gets more so as time goes on. Over time, the price of new cars has increased faster than the rate of inflation. This isn't entirely due to greed on the part of automakers; cars are also more complicated and useful than they used to be. Sure, they were cheaper in the 1960's, but they didn't include air conditioning, air bags and video systems. Convenience and safety comes at a price.

With the increase in price comes an increase in the length of time people are taking to pay off their cars. Few people pay cash; most people take out loans and pay over time. The average car loan, which used to be repaid over a period of three years, now averages about six years in duration. That's a long time to pay for a car, especially if you have no plans to own it for that long.

Taking six years to pay for a car has its advantages, as the payments are lower than they would be over a shorter loan term. Such a long loan does have a significant disadvantage, though - you can find yourself in a negative equity, or "upside down", situation. This can be a serious problem - if you should total the car in an accident, your insurance company will only pay you the value of the car, and not the amount you still owe.

A buyer is described as being upside down when he or she owes more on a car loan than the car is worth. It's easy to find yourself in an upside situation, and it can occur under any of the following circumstances:

Insufficient down payment - Cars depreciate as much as 25% the minute you drive them off of the lot. If you haven't provided enough of a down payment to cover that depreciation, you may find yourself upside down immediately.

Trading in too often - Buyers like to trade cars in and roll their outstanding balance into a new loan. These unpaid debts can contribute to negative equity.

Too long a loan - Five and six year loans often lead to negative equity. You can often avoid it by keeping the length of loans to three years or less.

In order to avoid a potential problem in the event of an accident, you should contact your insurance provider to make sure that you have "gap insurance." Gap insurance will make sure that you are protected should you have an accident while in an upside down situation. Without gap insurance, you may find yourself still making car payments even though you no longer have a car. That is the last thing any car owner wants.

As with most sports, the more you use a piece of equipment, the more wear and tear it will sustain. Since this is the case with golf as well, many players will find that they will eventually need to repair their golf equipment. So, too, will youths that golf. In many instances, youths will need to repair their equipment more than individuals that are older, simply because they may not understand how delicate the instruments are.

Junior golf club repair equipment can help these youths when they run into trouble with their golf clubs. The price of junior golf club repair equipment pieces can vary, but for the most part they are able to save individuals money in the long run, since parents and youths will not have to purchase new golf clubs, since they will just be able to repair some of the damaged items. Some people may be curious about the different types of junior golf club repair equipment pieces and what they can accomplish. Others may wonder how effective junior golf club repair equipment is, and what problems they can fix as compared to which problems will not be resolved with the use of any junior golf club repair equipment.

To learn the answers to the queries, it is very important that we consider the type of equipment that is currently available on the market. Some items are more popular than others and by focusing on the most popular pieces of equipment it is possible to make sure that the instruments that are better known are explored for consumers to consider.

There are many types of cleaners that are available in order to help the owner of the golf clubs keep them free of damaging nicks and scratches, as well as pieces of dirt, dust and grass. Since youths are for the most part inexperienced when it comes to playing golf for their first few times, as sports can take a while to understand completely, there may be a period of time in which the individuals using the junior golf equipment may need to have these types of cleaners on hand to ensure that they take the best care of their equipment possible.

It is important to keep the clubs clean because even the slightest bit of dirt or debris on the end of the golf club can cause the individual to swing off when they are trying to play. There are also of junior golf club repair equipment pieces that will enable an individual to restore the grip on the handle of their golf clubs. This is vital to the game of golf. When a player can not hold their club correctly, they are more likely to have a bad swing. This is just a result of inappropriate conditions in terms of the equipment being used. The positive thing is that there are junior golf club repair equipment pieces that can be easily implemented into fixing the club, and potentially improving the youth’s game, instead of purchasing an entirely new club, which may occur to some individuals that either have children that are interested in golf or who are interested in the game themselves.

We all know that Golden Retrievers are beautiful, obedient, and make great family pets and hunting dogs. Golden’s also make great guide dogs for the blind, narcotic detection dogs, and even tracking dogs for finding missing people. Although there are many other dog breeds out there, Golden Retrievers remain one of the most versatile and most astonishing breeds that you can get.

Before you rush out and buy a Golden Retriever puppy, you should first take the time to learn a bit more about the breed. You can attend dog shows, meet with various owners of Golden Retrievers, and even go to your local kennel club. Most people who own Golden Retrievers are extremely proud of them and will be more than happy to share their enthusiasm with you.

When you buy you’re Golden Retriever puppy, it’s always a great idea to buy from a backyard breeder or local puppy mill. Backyard breeders are normally the best way to get a Golden puppy, as they know and care a lot about the breed in general. Although you can always go to a reputable breeder, backyard breeders aren’t just in it for the money - they actually care about their dogs and want you to get the best Golden possible.

You can also visit the Golden Retriever Club of America and their local member clubs, as they can supply you with a list of breeders in your area. If these breeders don’t have any Golden’s for sale themselves, they will be more than willing to help you find what you’re looking for. This way, you can get a Golden from a very reliable source.

Whatever you do, you should never rush into buying a Golden Retriever. You should always take your time, and have a little bit of patience. When you buy your puppy, you want a healthy puppy who will grow up to be a fine testament of the breed. By taking your time and making a careful decision, you can save yourself a lot of time and money later on down the road.

Golden puppies that are poor quality, are normally produced by breeders who just want to have a litter or breeders who are just looking for the profits and care very little about giving thoughts to looks, quality, or temperament. If you buy a puppy from either of these breeders, you’ll more than likely end up with a puppy who has poor health, poor temperaments, and even disqualifications in breed.

When you get your puppy, you should always think long term. Only buy from a quality breeder, and you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Always remember that you aren’t just buying a Golden Retriever puppy - you are buying a companion and a friend for life.

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